Blinds or Curtains, what should you choose?

Blinds and Curtains are popular and enhance the look of your spaces and make a style statement. Both are useful and beautiful yet both get dirty over time with accumulated dust and dirt and need proper cleaning by experts like Curtain Cleaning Melbourne services.

Between the two many buyers ponder on which is the better one. Many do not of course initially worry about calling Curtain Cleaners Melbourne services for maintenance. But the fact remains to extend their life you need to engage Professional curtain cleaning Melbourne experts to clean them and make them germ-free and hygienic. That done the question remains which should you buy, the smart blinds or the elegant delicate curtains?

curtain mould removal Melbourne

Both curtains and blinds have their own share of positives and drawbacks. They both are found in many options and help you arrive at which is the one for you. After your entire home is all about you! We now venture into the comparison game to keep things on a more practical light.

Cost considerations of curtains and blinds

Blinds are usually less expensive and need less manufacturing time and material. Blinds can be installed in relatively less time. Blinds come in materials like plastic wood or top quality vinyl. Many prefer blinds for their compact nature and less hassle with regards to installation and maintenance needs. Most good Curtain Cleaning Melbourne services provide excellent blinds cleaning execution.

Curtains can be expensive because they require more material, time to make and also more time for their installation. Professionals will initially put window level brackets, slide the curtains on the rod, hang and secure rod on bracket and then let curtains hang to enhance the look. Curtains come in many fabrics from cotton, linen, lace, silk and velvet. Cotton ones are popular and less expensive than others. Curtain Cleaners Melbourne service experts provide proficient execution for all kinds of fabrics.

Light control

Blinds come with slats that may be horizontal and vertical, may be maneuvered in such a way to control the amount of light streaming in. The cord that comes with blinds allows blind slats to be lowered and lifted or moves one side to other. You can change the angle at which light come sin by twisting the tilt wand to make slats rotate. Only minus is even if blinds are closed, because of slits some light does stream in while if you close curtains you do get complete blockage from light.

Cleaning effort

Blinds are easier to clean. Having a smooth hard surface using a microfiber cloth to dust them is relatively an easy job. Both sides of the blinds can be cleaned by closing slats and using a duster to wipe them from side to side or top to bottom. You can continue to rotate slats and wipe in opposite direction. Tough stains and dirt may be tackled using a moist clean soft cloth dampened in plain water and white vinegar mix to wipe the slats of blinds and then dry them by wiping with another cloth to make them appear like Professional curtain cleaning Melbourne specialists.

Curtain cleaning is elaborate and involves vacuuming from top to down of curtain length to remove dust.  Next it involves using a stain remover to spray on stains and spots or using a mix of 25 percent of white vinegar and 75 percent water. For moulds one part bleach in four parts water may be applied and left. Then they should be machine dried as per label instructions for method and setting. They have to be air dried as far as possible to avoid fabric damage and shrinkage. This needs to be followed by ironing if needed.


Well maintained blinds can last for a good decade and half. Being made of materials like vinyl, aluminum, plastic or polymer coated wood; they fight stains well and also do not get discolored. They are rigid and hardier than curtains making them less susceptible to wear and tear. Silk, sheer and cottons tear easily and need extreme care. Richer fabrics like velvet are also vulnerable and need special care.

Sound proofing and insulation

Blinds and curtains both provide insulation and maintain heat, thereby lowering energy bills in winter. But blinds have slats and have less efficiency in sound proofing or insulation when compared to curtains that do a more effective job. Thermal curtains that have acrylic foam placed between fabric layers and honeycomb blinds have been known to be good for insulation. Blinds win in energy efficiency in hotter seasons. They lower indoor heat and keep bills lower since they leak more heat than curtains. Curtains score over blinds in being better soundproofing elements as they have no slats like blinds.